Monday, November 7, 2022

ProteoCool Pills#21: Chromas a free tool to check your Sanger sequencing results

In the last 20 years several different software packages able to support the scientist in their molecular cloning activities  (e.g primer desing, sequence assembly, transaltiion, vector desing  desing to manipulate DNA and protein sequences  as CloneManager, SnapGeneVectorNTI (discontinued by Thermo from 2019)

Those software are fully integrated set of tools for e cloning simulation, graphic map drawing, primer design and analysis. They are charaterized by a huge number of functions and they require the payment of a licence. 

Are those advanced softwares striclty necessary for a molecular biologist that would like just to check the result of a gene cloning into a mammalian or bacterial expression vector ?

In my opinion NO! 

Those softwares could be certanilly useful (for example to map the primer annealing region, to desing the vector map) but not essential expecially if you have to produce a limited number of clones in parallel.

For example, in this post i would like to present youm  Chromas, which  is a free simple, easy-to-use sequence viewer and editor (able to open chromatogram files(.ab1) produced from automated Sanger sequencers) that could be used to check your sequencing results.

7A. Allign the Chormas sequence with the “Theoretical” DNA template 
7B. Translate the sequence in AA format 
 (Generally I’m using the Translate Tool available at the Expasy web server) 
and allign the translated sequence with the “theoretical AA” template

If the sequence show some point mutation or shift, do not  discard the clone but check carefully the chromatogram to see if the mutation/shift is real or is it due to a non-correct Chromas assignment that may happen in case of:
-  overlapping peaks:
- peak with low intensity;
- a sequence regions with multiple residues of the same species;
Other similar softwares:

usefull links #1

i would like with share the folliwng 3 links about usefull on line tool for the scientist working with recombinant monoclonal antibodies:   ...