(Frequently Asked Questions)

In this page you can found the link to some of the answers that i provided on Reseach gate.

For any other specific question about:
gene cloning;
-recombinant protein/antibody expression, purification and characterization; 

leave your question on the comments and i will do my best to answer to you asap
 (if i kwon the answer :-)) 

<< Click on the Answer to be re-directed to my reply on Reseachgate>>
Question n°1
How to perform MIC using 96 well plates (in S.agalactiae)?

Question n°2
What exactly "BL21 Gold" cells are?
Answer n°2
Question n°3
Which are the differences between Tris-acetate and Tris tricine gels?

Answer n°3
Question n°4
How I do concentrate liters of cell medium? 

Answer n°4
 Question n°5
Can i use SDS page to detect S-S bonds?

Answer n°5
Question n°6
How to run guanidine hydrocloride sample in SDS-page?

Answer n°6
Question n°7
SDS-page shows that protein is pure, but gel filtration shows 2 peaks.
How could this be?

Answer n°7
Question n°8
How do we decide the buffer pH and the type of buffer based on the pI of protein?

Answer n°8
Question n°9
Which is the minimun protein concentration required for SEC chromatography?

 Answer n°9

Question n°10
Why do we use Agarose gel for DNA and SDS PAGE gel for protein?

 Answer n°10

Question n°11
I wanted to prepare a solution of Na2HPO4, for 1xPBS, but company 
has delivered 2Na.HO4P.2H2O,  i can use this chemical or not?

Answer n°11
Question n°12
How many time we can use the same Ni-NTA for protein purification? 

Question n°13
Why competent cells (E.coli DH5alpha) cannot growth after trasfromation? 


Question n°14
Yellow coloureb in protein A eluted (antibody purification from Expi-CHO);
 what do you tihnk about it?


Question n°15
Why my monoclonal antibody is not binding to the protein A coloumn? 


Question n°16
Where i can get a human cdna clone? 


1 comment:

  1. Hi
    Is there any book about applications of different chemicals in buffers?


usefull links #1

i would like with share the folliwng 3 links about usefull on line tool for the scientist working with recombinant monoclonal antibodies:   ...