PAGE4: Common mistakes

Please cite when sharing them

 ProteoCool n°9
(2 Common mistakes causing sample lost using the AKTA Systems - 06/01/2019)

 ProteoCool n°16
(3 Common mistakes in buffer preparation for protein purification- 16/03/2019)
ProteoCool n°21
(3 Common mistakes in E coli culture- 02/05/2019)

ProteoCool n°33
 (Simple TIPS to avoid common mistakes in Spectrophotometry/Fluorimetry/Luminometry- 26/09/2020)

 ProteoCool n°34 
(Inappropriate use of Ultra-filtration for concentration/buffer exchange of membrane proteins - 30/11/2020)

ProteoCool n°35
(Wrong AMPICILLIN concentration for the transformation of BL21(DE3) Delta TolR E.coli  27-12-2020)

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  1. Videos are easily played when using Chrome browser ! Great resource for the newbies

  2. Thank you very much! Reading papers is only one side of the medal. When you have to learn protein expressiion learning by doing, advices from real life are very appreciated! I got some useful points to have a closer look at. :-)


usefull links #1

i would like with share the folliwng 3 links about usefull on line tool for the scientist working with recombinant monoclonal antibodies:   ...