Sunday, May 2, 2021

ProteoCool Pills#4: Replacement of Ethidium bromide with a safe stain


Ethidium bromide thanks to its ability to show an intense fluorescence (ex 300nm/em 620nm) after binding with DNA.

 Ethidium bromide (EB) is inexpensive, sufficiently sensitive and very stable and thanks to this property has been the stain of choice for nucleic acid gel staining for decades.

 However on the other hands, EB is also a known powerful mutagen.

Recent years alternative reagents able to show an intense fluorescence after binding with DNA but not able to permeate cell membrane were developed:


My preferred one:


Gel REd - Biotium  (VWR cod. 41003)


Safety assessment available at:


Cost: About 90€ for 500ul (stock 10000X) à  90€ for 5liter of agarose à 0,9€ for a mini gel (15x2well)

                                                                                                                                  2,5€ for a midi gel (up to 30x2 well)


Another alternative that I used in the past is the Sybr Safe (thermo cod. S33102) 

is another possible alternative. but in my experience, it shows limited stable under UV excitation.


More details are available in the following link

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usefull links #1

i would like with share the folliwng 3 links about usefull on line tool for the scientist working with recombinant monoclonal antibodies:   ...