Monday, April 26, 2021

ProteoCool Pills#3: Homemade E.coli chemically competent cells



                               For preparation of 10ml competent cells from 500ml of culture


 Preculture: Inoculate the *cells in 10 ml of LB (in a 50ml falcon) O/N at 180rpm- 37 °C

 Store in fridge at 4°C the solutions (filtered at 0.22uM) :

-        100 mM MgCl2

-        100 mM CaCl2 with 15 % glycerol) 

*1 peak a single colony from LB-agar or scrape the frozen surface of a glycerol stock


-        Inoculate 5ml of the pre-culture in 500ml of LB in a 2liter shaking flask (dilution 1:100) and growth at 180rpm- 37°C up to OD(600nm) about 0,4-0,6; 

-        Centrifuge in a sterile tube for 10 minutes at 2500 g - 4 °C

 -        Discard the surnatant (LB) and transfer the tube with the cells in ICE*2.

-        Re-suspend the cells with 50 ml of 100 mM MgCl2 COLD

*2 From now all the steps have to be performed in ICE and centrifuge need to be COLD, because an heating of the sample may result in decrease of competence level.

-        Incubate in ICE for at least 30 minutes (longer incubation are not an issue)

-        Centrifuge at 2500 g for 10 min a 4°C

-        Discard the surnatant and transfer the tube containing the cells in ICE.

-        Re-suspend the cells with 10 ml of 100 mM CaCl2 with 15 % glycerol (COLD)  

n.b: Vortex can be used for facilitate the cell resuspension with the recommendation to take short steps and not to keep cells out of the ice for too long. 

-        Spilt the cells in aliquots in 1.5ml Eppendorf COLD (100-200ul/Eppendorf)

To maximize the transformation efficiency: If you have DRY ICE available, Cool down empty Eppendorf  tubes in dry ice is preferable to froze immediately the cells before storing at -80°C. Alternatively, cold down the Eppendorf in ICE and just transfer the spitted cells on the -80°C.

The cells competency can be verified performing a transformation test with 20pg of puc19 

Generally, BL21 à show an efficiency of about 10^6 cfu/ml à about 20 colonies 

DH5alpha. DH10B, Top10, MACH1 à shows higher efficiency, about 5-10X10^7 cfu/ml à 50-100 colonies

In case you would like to produce competent cells free of animal components you can use YGR  or Enpresso B animal free ( culture media.

More information about YGR and Enpresso are available at the following link:

ProteoCool n°7: High cell density E.coli protein expression using Enpresso B medium

ProteoCool n°32 High cell density E.coli protein expression using YGR medium

Sunday, April 18, 2021

ProteoCool Pills#2: Homemade Bradford reagent 5X


TIPS of the Week #2


Homemade Bradford reagent 5X 

(for 1 liter)

100mg Comassie Brilliant Blue G-250

dissolved in

-         48 ml of absolute EtOH

-         100 ml 85% (w/v) H3PO4


Mix well until the die is completely dissolved

Dilute up to 1liter with milliQ water and filter through a 0.45uM PDVF filtrer.

Store the dye at 4°C and use as 5X solution.


Cost for 1 liter:

-         Comassie G250 (Thermo cod. 20279 cost 144€/50g à 0,3€

-         EtOH (Sigma Aldrich cod. 51976 cost: 100€/500ml ~ 10€

-         H3PO4 (eg FisherScientific cod. 13207659 cost 48,2€/500ml ~ 4.8€


Total <20€ for 1 liter that is very low if you consider that

Biorad Protein Assay reagent 5X cod. 5000006 à 180€ for 500ml







Sunday, April 11, 2021

ProteoCool Pills#1; Overload of centrifugal Ultra-filtration device may cause partial sample lost


TIPS of the Week #1

Overload of centrifugal Ultra-filtration device may cause partial sample lost

The centrifugal Ultrafiltration concentrators present in the upper part a small channel
 that allows air to enter and permit sample concentration. 

Without this channel the sample would quickly go under vacuum and the concentration would stop immediately.  

In case of sample overload, especially using swinging bucket rotors, the sample excess can leak through the channel and some sample can be lost



ProteoCool Pills #30:How improve Specific heavy-light chain pairing in the production of bispecific mabs

  A Bispecific antibodies (BsAb) is a single molecule that c omprise two single binding entities that are physically connected, which enable...